Red Brown Apricot Puppies

Did you know that the red gene can manifest as everything from white to a deep copper red?! Below you'll find "red" puppies of every shade! You'll also find our brown standard poodle puppies below!

Nolan - Available

Nolan is a very sweet boy who is 100% content just chilling out on your lap. His willingness to lay on his back and just relax amazes me! Nolan does a gread job exploring new places and playing too, but he REALLY likes being a lap dog. :D. He is trending a bit smaller than his siblings, so he may not hit much more than 40 lbs. full grown. While he is currently cream, I wouldn't be surprised if he lightens to almost white as he ages.
Gender: Male​​
Alice - 45 pounds
Oreo - 55 pounds
Birthday: December 16, 2024
To inquire about reserving Nolan click here​ and specify that you want Nolan in your message!
Price: $2450
William Blake - Available

William Blake is a beautiful apricot pup. He has a more reserved prance and carry than his brother but is still a stunning poodle! He is in between the little puppy stage and entering our Started Puppy program. He is currently using a doggy door to do his business outside and has completed his vaccines. This outstanding boy is ready to go home today and would be $2450. If you would like him to go through our Started Puppy program (learning to sit for attention, sleeping in a kennel, beginning to walk on a leash and first grooming) we would be happy to begin that course with him and we would keep him for several weeks to work with him. He would be $3450.
We do have other puppies from this litter available ( they all look just like William Blake! :) which includes one female! Please let us know if you are interested in any of them!
Estimated Adult Weight: 45-50 pounds
Gender: Male​
Estimated weight: 50 lbs
Cherry - 50 pounds
Baron - 45 pounds
Birthday: 6/11/24
To inquire about reserving William Blake click here​ and specify that you want William Blake in your message!
Price: $2450